Before you start

Idea room

“A news channel is the best tool for a company suggestion system”

In our experience, news channels are ideal for implementing a company suggestion system. Innovative ideas can best be developed in an open communication process — and not in an intransparent administrative act, as many companies still do:

The results of such a company suggestion system were always sobering: We spoke to dozens of customers about it, all of whom were frustrated by the high workload, the slow process and the results that were not very innovative.

In contrast, some of our customers have had very good experiences with a corresponding news channel, which is called an idea room, for example:

A news channel makes the company suggestion system low-threshold, interactive and transparent, so that more suggestions and discussions arise and the same suggestions are not submitted over and over again. Since the ideas and suggestions for improvement usually reach the users' news feed via a suggestion subscription, they are also more likely to be read (and found again in the search) than if you introduce a separate, specialized tool for them — not to mention the costs of such apps and implementation effort.

So when a company suggestion system is implemented, this should definitely be done via a news channel in Just Social, because: Ideas are best created and developed through joint exchange, as has been common practice in Internet forums, etc.