As early as the first onboarding, we create a chat group for the extended project team or editorial team to facilitate exchange within the project. If the chat is not used in Just Social, this must be done in another chat tool (e.g. MS Teams, Slack).
It is also helpful if the project team meets regularly for a short jour fix — not only before the launch, but also afterwards, because the start of Just Social really starts. Around the launch, we recommend that the appointment take place weekly so that you can react quickly if necessary. In the months following the launch, a monthly cycle is recommended until Just Social has established itself sustainably and all content, goals, etc. defined in the concept have been implemented.
In large, decentralized organizations, one project group (including chat) should also be formed per location, subsidiary, etc. to support the rollout and take local and/or company-specific content and use cases into account. The project managers of these decentralized project teams are usually part of the central project team in order to facilitate joint exchange and project coordination.
It also makes sense for the project teams or, if applicable, the project teams to sit down separately with the individual departments on the departmental use cases and content, which are usually not addressed or neglected in the joint concept before the launch. Since the relevance of information usually decreases with the size of the addressee group, local, company-specific and departmental information is usually significantly more interesting than cross-company information — the leverage is correspondingly large. We therefore strongly recommend that you seek dialogue with the responsible managers to discuss the presentation of departmental use cases and content in Just Social.