Before you start

Suggested vs. mandatory subscriptions

“Avoid mandatory subscriptions if employees should use their own smartphones”

The first idea of many companies is that they want to set mandatory subscriptions for most news channels so that employees can see all “official” news in their news feed and are also notified about it.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with this logic — at least not if all employees have access to work computers or smartphones to use Just Social. However, if Just Social is also to be used as an app on employees' private smartphones (BYOD), a mandatory subscription for news channels is paradoxical because the use of the app on these devices is or must be voluntary.

In these cases, we therefore recommend that you not give mandatory but suggested subscriptions for the “official” news channels, so that users can, for example, set push notifications individually for each channel and switch them off if they feel too disturbed. With mandatory subscriptions, notifications could not be switched off or could only be switched off globally for all news channels, which is perfect for holidays but would be a shame for everyday use.

Although these personalization options are only used by a fraction of employees in practice, they are an important signal to all employees who escape their company by voluntarily installing Just Social on their private devices. And since experience has shown that they are only used by a very small proportion of employees, they have virtually no disadvantages.

Despite proposal subscriptions and voluntary use of private smartphones, the use of Just Social can and should be mandatory for all employees. This is best achieved through info screens and other shared devices (PCs, tablets, etc.), which are described in the next tip.